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Welcome LifeDesign™ Clients ...

You may register on-line for any of the workshops we offer or you are always welcome to call the office to register for any of our programs.

Please note: all reservations are on a first come basis. If you do not see a particular date for a program listed in the registration page, that program is full.

Annual Client Meetings

All clients should plan to attend one Annual Client Meeting each year. The Annual Client Meetings include a review of any changes in the law that may affect your estate plan as well as proactive advice as to how best to take advantage of new or soon to expire laws.


We will also examine any trends in the process of winding own a person's affairs - those things that clients did that worked well and those things that did not work so well.  In addition to receiving your updated Asset Detail Reports, we will  distribute various forms for you to complete, sign and return during the meeting.  

You only need to register for one of the Annual Client Meetings and you should plan on bringing only your BLUE (2019) LifeDesign™ Portfolio to this program.

NOTE: Our venues for Annual Client Meetings have changed from prior years.  Please carefully note which location you register for.  Directions to new locations will be sent to you prior to the event.


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